We've officially had 4 baby showers! I guess people really do love babies!! Brandon's co-workers threw a baby shower for him at the VA, we had our little garden party shower, Christie threw one for me and then I was surprised with a Halloween shower at work, orchestrated by Cookie. I knew she was up to something, but I definitely didn't expect this!
I think that people assume I will only dress Winnie in black and indoctrinate her with all things Halloween, disallowing the development of her own identity. This if fairly insulting. Passion is something that I want her to have. My cup runneth over in that department; I have many hobbies and loves and I think that is a positive thing. We only hope she knows and loves herself and however that manifests itself, only time will tell! Halloween will always be a big part of our lives simply because B & I share a love for the holiday, but I promise we won't scare her [?]. If anything, she'll get bored of it, rebel and refuse to Trick or Treat. We are fully prepared for that, actually ...
In any case, Cookie knew I secretly wished I was pregnant during the Halloween season so I'd have an excuse for a Halloween shower, so Springtime be damned, she made it happen! She did such a great job! I loved it and I was overwhelmed by the love, gifts and well wishes from my fellow librarians. Monday is my last day before maternity leave and then the final countdown begins!
Yes, that is a Build-a-Bear Halloween Hello Kitty! I really believe that is just going to be for me.
Sorry, Winnie.