Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Country Living Magazine!?

I'm about to have a pee-in-my-pants dance party over the fact that: A. It is already October 19th! and 2: It finally got "cold" outside!! Yay!! A few things bum me out; like the fact that I'll miss Pumpkin Shine on Line AGAIN this year because of work, but honestly, I'm pretty happy otherwise. I have a great Halloween party planned [our 6th annual!] and I am not stressed at ALL about it! And as of Thursday, I'll be on my way to probably the biggest event that I've been able to be a part of since I started my little business.

I know!! It's bananas!! Haha. I've been keeping this a little "under wraps" since I found out I'd been selected to meet with the editors of Country Living Magazine back in August, mostly because I figured they had gotten something mixed up or someone had sent this to me as a joke [my siblings and I were pretty mean to each other growing up], but since I'll be leaving for Atlanta tomorrow, I think I can finally tell everyone! So, please wish me luck as I "pitch" my little Zombees to Country Living and hopefully I'll be selected to be featured in the magazine. This meeting is going to be a great learning experience and hopefully a launching pad! It would mean a lot for my budding business and maybe get me one step closer to having a storefront here in Shreveport! So here's hoping there is a weirdo who love zombies and hot wax on the judging panel! 

To be continued ... 


  1. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You are going to rock it out, my friend.

  2. Knock em dead! I'm sure you'll do great!

  3. WOW! Congratulations! You have a terrific product, and I know they're going to love it. Good luck!

  4. Oh my god Kate! That's incredible news! You will do amazing!!!

  5. How did the meeting go?! I can't wait to hear all about it :)

  6. It went so well! Thanks! The resort was so beautiful. There were so many people there, so I doubt I will get selected, but just the experience and networking was worth it. I won't hear anything until late December, so I'm trying not to obsess over it! haha.
