Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Cemetery Love ♥

October really just came and went a little too quickly this year! We had our 7th annual party. I took a few pictures, but not enough for a blog post! [and they're all on Instagram!] So instead, I thought I'd just do a little cemetery blog. I didn't take any of these pictures, I've just had them for years as inspiration. 

I grew up with a cemetery in my back yard, so I've always had an affinity for the dead. I used to play, do my homework and bring friends back to my special little graveyard when I was a kid. It was a family graveyard from the 1860s. The family was McClendon and although I've researched it since I moved, I haven't been able to find any pictures! I'm sure it is because it is randomly in the back yard of a suburban neighborhood and has surely been neglected and grown over since I left when I was 12. 

If you're interested in finding a grave of a family member, please check out FindAGrave or BillionGraves and enter your search info. BillionGraves is probably easier to use, but I prefer FindAGrave because you can leave virtual flowers! So cute! 

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