Thursday, December 22, 2011

American Christmas Devil

B & I will be spending Christmas doing ... nothing. A perfect ending to this horrible season! I don't mean to sound like the Grinch, but the last few months have been horrid! I'm ready for this year to be over and Christmas weekend is one step closer to that wish coming true. We do plan to snuggle up and maybe watch a Christmas movie [or the TEASGJ Chrimbus Special] and stop by the in-laws for a little while, but other than that it will be a pretty depressing Christmas. Hurry up, 2012!! Please scroll down and see the American Christmas Devil!

UPDATE: Cookie & I have planned a wonderful Chrimbus Eve. We're going to drink more than we should and sew dresses while watching Die Hard. If you want to join us ... too bad. [zing!] Looks like my Holiday weekend just got a little less depressing. Whoo!


  1. What is that book tree?! How did I not think of that? Yet another disappointing part of the season.

    How about we take 1/100 of our books & make an even bigger one!!!

  2. Here is to a much better 2012! My 24th will be spent cleaning up, filling out a bastard-long form in applying for S.S.D., baking 'Santas' Whiskers' cookies for Santa (becuase i think leaving His 'whiskers' for Him to eat is funny), & playing a Rammstein youtube concert *really* loud.
