Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Working Breakfast

Man, today is good. Besides, of course the fact that since Brandon's motorcycle is busted and his car has been dying a slow death for three  or more years and we are officially a one-car family. I've always had nightmares about being that couple that has to share a car. "I can't, I have to go pick up my husband from work," just always sounded so depressing to me. But this week, bringing him to work has been a good thing. I almost want to pack him a lunch in a brown bag with a Turtles Thermos. Too cute.

Anyway, I've been working on school and ZC stuff for hours ... here is the breakfast that fueled my mad morning!

 I prefer to dip my pancakes rather than sop them with maple syrup. I hate soggy things!

OJ! H(eye)ball glasses were a gift from Kim & Tyler last year at Halloween. 


  1. Two things:

    1-i have those exact candleholders

    2-now i want some bacon, dammit.

  2. Holy crap-ola! I love those glasses!

    Ive been meaning to wake up early to make pancakes forever!
